Sunday, 24 April 2011

Day 25: Surprise Inspection

After our painting holiday at 94, Elisabeth and I returned to Galillea to continue on with some serious dissertation work. Luckily Elisabeth’s cold did not slow us down and we managed to arrive at the school in time to watch a whole school uniform inspection. Where each student was being checked for any dirt on their uniform, if the uniforms were not up to scratch they would receive a swift cane on the legs. The scary p2 teacher then emerged and began checking the childrens fingernails for dirt, I was astonished by this as my own nails probably wouldn’t have passed the test, so I was unsure how any of the kids would.

Following the surprise inspection we had requested the primary 6 class to conduct our interviews in. We were given free reign of the class and so went through the register meticulously, making sure each child was interviewed by either Elisabeth or myself. Many of the children i interviewed played football for clubs out of school, which is always positive and great for my study. However I did also have the first child out of 150 to say sport was not important in my questioning. Luckily she had a well justified answer; because she needed to focus on her school work, a fair and worthy reason.

As we had to go to Kasoa that afternoon we left Galillea early, but on our way out we noticed that almost everyone had jumped on the Phonics bandwagon especially in KG2 and P1. The Primary 1 teacher had made her own flashcards and was in the middle of a human word as we walked past. Miss Sofia should be proud! It was truly wonderful to see how quickly and how well the teachers had incorporated phonics, especially this teacher who had managed to create her own resources to enhance the childrens learning.
 Before making our way down to the main road we ventured down to Weija lake, it was as tranquil and calm as everyone had told us, while also providing a lot of fresh fish for women to sell on their heads in the market. Once again we headed to Kasoa, and once again we our efforts were thwarted by the lack of power. The computer teacher who had been helping me throughout was also not there, as his brother had sadly passed away, so I would have to wait until next week to continue on with my project.

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